liste des publications du dr Kubalek
Fain O, Kubalek I, Kettaneh A. Paries J; 7homas M : Pamidronate in the treatement of complex regional pain syndrome type I. En anglais ; Rhumatology 2001 ; 40(12) : 1394-7 (former British Journal of Rhumatology).
Fain O, Kubalek I, Kettaneh A, Paries J, Thomas M : Traitement de l'algodystrophie par le pamidronate : 29 observations. Rev Méd Interne 1999 ; (20) S6 : 594s.
Kubalek I, Mysak J. The prevalence of environmental mycobacteria in drinking water supply system in a demarcated region in the Czech Republic, in the period 1984-1989. European Journal of Epidemiology, 12: 4714, 1996
Kubalek I, Komenda S. Seasonal variations in the occurrence of environmental mycobacteria in potable water . Acta pneumologica, microbiologica et imunologica scandinavica, 103: 327-330, 1995.
Kubalek I, Mysak J: The Prevalence of Environmental Mycobacteria in Drinking Water Supply Systems in Olomouc County, North Moravia, Czech Republic, in the period 1984-1989. Central European Journal of Public Health 1995( 1) 39-41.
Kubalek I, Komenda S, Mysak J. The Spring-Fall Variations in the Prevalence of Environmental Mycobacteria in Drinking Water Supply System. Central European Journal of Public Health. 1995(3): 146-8
Dupont B, Eliaszewicz M, Kubalek I: Localisation des infections dues au CMV au cours de l'infection VIH Etudes des cas-controle. Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire, 1995.
Kubalek I, Hoes AW, Grobbee DE, Hofrnan A. The multiple medication in the elderly diabetic patients and its influence on the diabetic control. Intl Joumal of Pharmacoepidemiology ;1994.
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